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Get paid $1,300 to watch 13 scary movies by Halloween

It's about to be the spookiest time of year, which means binge-watching your favorite scary movies.
USDish.com is looking for someone to watch 13 Stephen King films by Halloween. (USDish.com)

INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) — It's about to be the spookiest time of year, which means binge-watching your favorite scary movies.

USDish.com is looking to pay someone to watch 13 Stephen King movies by Halloween.

The movies include:

  • Carrie (original or 2013 remake)
  • Children of the Corn
  • Christine
  • Creepshow
  • Cujo
  • Dreamcatcher
  • It (original or remake)
  • The Mist​​​
  • Pet Sematary (original or 2019 remake)
  • Salem's Lot
  • The Shining
  • Thinner

"The ideal candidate has to be detail-oriented enough to track their experience. They could even share their scares on social media and vlog every time they jump out of their seats," the release reads.

In return, they will receive $1,300, a Stephen King survival kit that includes a flashlight, blanket, movie-watching snacks, an Amazon gift card and a FitBit to track your heart rate through it all.

Applications are open from now through Oct. 15. Candidates must be 18 years or older and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to apply.

For more information and those interested in applying, click here.

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