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Tiniest house is only 25 square feet!

The tiny house movement is a growing trend.

The tiny house movement is a growing trend. 

That trend inspired a Boston artist to come up with what he claims to be the 'tiniest' house.

It may look like a box. But sculptor Jeff Smith is calling his 25 square foot creation the smallest home in the world. 

It can fit on the back of a regular size van and sleeps one person comfortably. But why go this small?

"I was inspired by the tiny house movement but it didn't seem that anyone was really trying to make the smallest one."

The cot size studio isn't just for display. It has recently rented on Air-B-n-B for $55 a night. But don't worry the tenant is getting a sink, a stove and even a bathroom.

"There it is, solid waste system."

With kitty litter to catch.

While some couldn't do it, others just can't get enough of the micro home

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