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Sunrise takes on 'Do It Yourself' projects

Our Sunrise crew went beyond wondering and Googling – to actually DOING projects they found on places like YouTube and Pinterest. Some DIY projects look easier on video than when you actually try them at home.
Sunrise DIY

We've all had projects to do and wondered "how do they do that?" or Googled "how to make a (fill in the blank)?"

Our Sunrise crew went beyond wondering and Googling – to actually DOING projects they found on places like YouTube and Pinterest. Some DIY projects look easier on video than when you actually try them at home.

From bookshelves made with plastic gutters, to learning how to French braid your own hair, to making the perfect steak.

Which projects sizzled and which ones sizzled out? We’re giving DIY a try all week on Sunrise at 6am.

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