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Deal seekers weigh consignment shops vs. garage sales

Shoppers have options to get money back from unused clothes, but what option makes the most money?
Consignment shops, give sellers a percentage of items they sell through their store.

If you spent a lot on back-to-school wardrobes for the kids, you'd probably like to get some of that cash back.

That extra money can come from your own closet, but which makes the most - consignment shops or garage sales?

Rachel Shine shops consignment to save.

"I got a nice pair of jeans, brand new, tags are still on, $14.95. Can't beat that," Shine said.

But a lot of ladies come to Selective Seconds in Greenwood to make money.

"I'd say between $250 and $500, our average consigners are bringing home in a year," said Selective Seconds manager Rene Elsbury. "We have some consigners that make thousands of dollars a year from us."

They're selling clothes by JCrew, Banana Republic, Ann Taylor, and Coach - designer brands they no longer want, but that earn extra cash the second time around.

"We put things on the floor for 60 days and you get 40 percent of the selling price," Elsbury said.

But how can you make the most money on your clothing? Is it best to sell it at a shop or try it at home on your own?

Kelly Evert and Jayne Kincaid were selling clothing at a garage sale Friday afternoon.

"I think garage sales are a little easier because you're at home," Evert said.

"For fast cash on a weekend, this is the way to go," Kincaid added.

Kincaid has sold clothing both ways. At consignment shops, she made good money.

"At least $60 every two months," she said.

But tempted by store credits, she often spent the earnings instead of saving them. At her house, she says there's only profit.

"Probably from the clothing, we're probably looking to make maybe $75-100," Evert said.

They'll also donate what's not sold to charity, like Goodwill or the Salvation Army, which earns tax deductions.

If you do choose consignment, experts say what you sell and how you sell it can make you more money. Tops sell better than pants and are priced higher at the shop. Purses make the most.

"Your designer handbags that can handle multiple users, those you're going to get really good value for - usually between $30 and $40 for most of your handbags," Elsbury said.

The bottom line is, quality items bring the best prices.

"Bring it on a hanger. Make sure it's wrinkle-free. Check for stains, loose threads, buttons, sequins that are maybe coming off on those flashy tops," Elsbury advised. "If it's ready to go on the floor, you're going to make the most of your items."

Buyers, especially in a still-struggling economy, want more for less.

"It's very important to me. I have a daughter, too, that I'm raising, so it's very important we get good deals," Shine said.

"I think it's just important to save as much money as you can wherever you can save it," Evert said.

And they say to make a little money along the way, is even better.

Experts say when it comes to children's clothing, it's usually priced about the same, whether sold at consignment shops or garage sales. Higher-end brands are the exception and will fetch you more money.

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